How To Get Free VPS On Digital Ocean Without Credit Card


Digital Ocean is one of the best VPS providers in the hosting market. You can give a try on Digital Ocean before Buy. DigitalOcean Offers Free VPS trial with 100$ credit for 2 months. but you just need a credit card For verification. If you have neither credit card nor PayPal, Then you see this article, Here I will tell you how you can get free VPS on Digital Ocean without a Credit card.

Free VPS On Digital Ocean Without Credit Card

The most prominent and widespread use of VPS is Running a Website or Blog. Since virtual private servers provide more resources for your site than shared hosting, you’ll find that your site feels more responsive. Digital Ocean is one of the best VPS providers so the before buy you can try it.

After Published how to get Free edu email, visitor asking me how to verify digital ocean account without credit card or PayPal because as you know edu email can get free $50 GitHub Student promo code. Without a credit card, promo code is useless because you need to verify your billing account.

So attempted many tries to verify my account I got the best method. I have an account which I haven’t verify my credit card or Paypal. so How I do that? Let’s see.

Also Read:

Trick to Get Free VPS On Digital Ocean Without Credit Card

At the first verify your account you need a Photo id proof ( any govt. Id). And you follow all the steps. If you can’t understand the tutorial you can ask any question comment below. Let’s start the method.

1. At the first create a fresh account. The old account won’t accept promo code and also with my link you will get extra $100 additional credit to your account. Click the link below


2. Now create a new account on DigitalOcean. you will receive $100 credit to your account.

digitalocean $100 code

3. Next, you need to verify your email id. Open your mailbox and click the verify link.

4. On the next page, they will ask you to enter credit card If you have a credit card just add or if you don’t have any credit card. you can get Prepaid credit card for free.

Student email id or edu email id can get extra $50 credit on the digital ocean from GitHub Student pack. if you don’t have edu email you can create a free edu email.

5. After verify just add your promo code on the billing section and you are done.

This tutorial only for those who have a credit card but If you don’t have a credit card than how to verify your account? So next I will tell you how to do it.

Verify Digital Ocean Without Credit Card or PayPal

1. After verifying your email id, Just go to your support center. you can find it upper left side corner.

2. click sign in or if you already sign in on the page then click Billing > Contact support.

3. Create a New Support Ticket and tell them about your problem. example:

Verify Digital Ocean Without Credit Card or PayPal

4. You must add any Govt. photo ID proof with the attachment.

That’s it. They will verify your account. After verify add your any debit card( they will no charge it) and your promo code.

Note: Please don’t use VPN, Fake Id and fake Adress.

Manoj Chakraborty

Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips

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