Tips Before Applying BuySellAds Account


How to Get BuySellAds Approval – In this article, I will tell you some tips before applying BuySellAds account and how to approve your website on BuySellAds.

Most of blog or website owner after struggling many years but they can’t earn a reasonable money from their blog because they miss an important thing of blogging.

As you know for online earning from your website you have a very good and maintained blog or websites. So here I will show you some most important tips to get a BuySellAds account for earning from your blogs or websites.

Tips Before Applying BuySellAds Account

BuySellAds is an online advertising network that brings online publishers and online advertisers together. It is easier for those advertisers to find Web sites and blogs best suited for their ads and budgets which are developed by TODD GARLAND in 2008.

BuySellAds is same like AdSense. You can withdraw your earning every month. But the main thing is that it’s totally different from Adsense. In Adsense, if the viewer cannot click on ads you don’t get any money but in BuySellAds if the user only sees the ads you get money on the basis of monthly earning.

One of the main things which is that BuySellAds rules are much more strict with the rules of Google Adsense. If your website has an opportunity to apply for BuySellAds you must follow this Tips Before Applying BuySellAds Account.

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Tips Before Applying  BuySellAds Account:

1. Picking domain name:

Don’t use the domain name like, or others free domain name because these domains have not a good impression on viewers.

So your must buy a premium domain name like dot com, net, In.

2. Website age:

Your website or blog must have at least 4 months old, So be patience and work properly on your website and increase the traffic and viewer on your website.

3. Monthly Visitors:

If you want BuySellAds Publisher account for make money then you must have page view up to 100,000 in per month otherwise your site does not approve and there is no significance of applying for BuySellAds.

4. Website theme and look:

Web site or blog theme also an important think for BuySellAds. They not only check your website age and views but also website look or theme.

When you apply for BuySellAds you need to remove the Google Adsense because if your Google Adsense cover all the blank space on your website so they don’t see any blank space on your website for their advertisement.

If your BuySellAds approved you able to install both of the advertisement on your websites such as Google Adsense and BuySellAds.

5. Website rank in ALEXA:

When Buysellads check your website they check your website rank on the Alexa. They tell you about your website performance, which is only increased when you work properly and increase your website traffic. So we recommended that your able to apply BuySellAds if your website rank is below than 100K in alexia rank.

So we recommended that your ability to apply BuySellAds if your website rank is below than 100K in alexia rank.

Raed More: 6 Simple Tricks To Increase Alexa Rank – Rank Booster

6. Contents and Quality:-

Always remembers or understand if your website has adults contents than your website cannot approve by BuySellAds because they support specific niche mostly such as Technology, Twitter, Web Designer, Development, WordPress, Freelancer Niche, Web2.0, Programming, Mobile app development, Fashion blog

These are six simple tips for those people who want to apply BuySellAds publisher account. If your request approved then you can make money $500 easily. We can use both AdSense and BuySellAds ads on our websites. I hope these tips helps you to get a BuySellAds account.

Manoj Chakraborty

Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips

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