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Writing Your First Novel

Writing Your First Novel? Here Are 10 Things That You Must Keep In Mind

Do you love reading? Have you ever thought while reading a book that one day you would like to author one? If the answer...

Five Tips For Learning Online And Staying Productive

With the onset of the covid-19 pandemic, businesses and institutions are shifting their operations to online platforms. This shift is geared to sustain operations...
Business Intelligence in Competitive Business

Market Your Service Business with These Proven Tricks

Selling a product isn’t the same as selling a service. The approach used to sell a service demands a different approach. Marketing a product...
Bluetooth speakers

Can Bluetooth speakers be used while charging

Bluetooth speakers are one of the must-have electronic gadgets for many homes. These are the external speakers that you can link up with your...
COVID-19 Vaccines

A Deeper Look At The Effects Of COVID-19 Vaccines On The Stock Market

The devastating coronavirus crash is clearly etched in the minds of every single investor. Markets all around the world plummeted in a few moments,...