How To Install Dropbear On Debian


Well, this time, I will give you a tutorial to install Dropbear on Debian os. Actually, Dropbear on Debian install more simple and easy compared with CentOS os. Tutorial install Dropbear on Debian, full guide please follow the steps below.

Install Dropbear On Debian

Step 1: Login Full access using root user

As always before you do installDropbear on Debian VPS server, you must need your root user login details and putty.

– Perform Update command

# Apt-get update

– Perform Upgrade (if necessary)

# Apt-get upgrade

– Install nano (if not already there)

# Apt-get install nano

Step 2: Setting Port

Dropbear generally only run on port 443, OpenSSH does not need to remove you simply set wearing just his OpenSSH port following port:

  • Port 22
  • Port 109
  • Port 143

If you previously used in OpenSSH port 443, please disable/remove port 443 in advance, the command as follows.

# Nano / etc / ssh / sshd_config

Install Dropbear On Debian
– Restart OpenSSH
– Save + Exit (ctrl X + Y Enter)

# Service ssh restart

Step 3: Install Dropbear

To install Debian Dropbear on your OS, please enter the following command command.
– Install Dropbear

# Apt-get install dropbear

Step 4: Adding Port Dropbear

– Adding Dropbear port (Port 443) command

# Nano / etc / default / dropbear
How To Install Dropbear On Debian

Modification / Edit in this section:

modification / Edit like this:

– Start Dropbear

# Service dropbear start
– Check the Port Dropbear (make sure it runs on port 443)
# Netstat -nlpt | grep dropbear
– Restart Dropbear
# Service dropbear restart

– Exit Putty

# Exit


If the installation dropbear completed please you can check with login accounts ssh on Bitvise using port 443, to ensure dropbear already installed on the server VPS you can see from the log Bitvise as shown below.

NB: OpenSSH does not need to remove enough in setting just port it I practice in accordance with the above, so there will still be running OpenSSH Dropbear conjunction with the notes:

  • OpenSSH Port 22, 109, 143
  • Dropbear Port-443.

I hope that this tutorial is understandable and useful to all people in need. Thank you

Manoj Chakraborty

Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips

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