How to Earn with Affiliate Marketing without a Website


Having a website makes it ultra-easy to earn through affiliate marketing. Also, if you want to make a long-term business, you should definitely have a website to facilitate everything. But if you are not ready to start your own website, you can use other ways to affiliate links and make some good money.

This is also good if you don’t want to directly start affiliate marketing on your site. Let’s learn first how does it take place.

earn affiliate marketing without website

In this article, we are going to discuss that how you can earn through affiliate marketing without having a website. So let’s get started.

Ways to Earn with Affiliate Marketing without Website

1: Post on Forums and Blogs

This is one of the simplest ways to earn through affiliate marketing. Just find a product which you want to promote and start posting it on blogs and forums with the affiliate link (your) in your signature. You have to keep this in mind that the blog you are posting the link/product at suits the interest of the audience/ visitors there. Otherwise, no one would use it.

You can even choose guest blogging on other sites, create interesting posts and become regular. After this, you can easily insert the product links and can promote it as well. But in case you spam a post or forum with meaningless posts, you are more likely to be banned and thus all your posts will be deleted by the admin panel.

2: Create a Viral content for a product

If you are good at creating viral content for anything, this method is for you. You can easily create a 30-40 page e-book regarding any interesting subject matter. If you don’t know how simply hire a freelance copywriter from Contentmart.

The talented copywriters associated with Contentmart can provide you with content that s 100% genuine, catchy and SEO-friendly. And the best part is you can post your content requirements on this online content marketplace for free. Also, you do not need to pay for the services availed unless you are completely satisfied with the quality of content received.

Viral content gets easily and quickly spread among people. You can thereby; insert links of your product in that e-book and can promote it through any means that you want.

You can also sell your e-book on the sites like eBay at reasonable/small amounts so that more people can get access to them.

3: Take help of YouTube

YouTube receives one billion unique visitors each month. It just takes a channel and a webcam or camera type of thing to shoot and make a complete series about anything.

You, therefore, can insert links in your description, over the videos you post there. This will help you in turning some of your viewers into affiliate profits as well. Just decide a niche, make videos on it and earn a good fan base.

Once it is done, your affiliate links would do the rest. But make sure that your videos provide value and are not misleading; otherwise, no one is going to watch them.

4: Write reviews/ads for classifieds website

You can also use classifieds to promote products. Write product reviews for classifieds sites and insert your affiliate links with the content. Posting such reviews and ads will bring more and more people to buy the products you promoted.

Take help from writers who know how to write catchy reviews. To writing high-quality product review You can hire some product description writers online from the content marketplace.

5: Build your own “HUB”

A HUB is a single-page mini-web site where you can post down something which attracts people the most. Building a hub and promoting products through it eliminates the need of having a personal website.

The subject is hosted on the HubPages site and the content is presented in a very professional way by itself. Thus a Hub allows you to insert ads, links or reviews to the content.

It also brings a crowd from social media sites which in turn increases the probability that your affiliate products are noticed by the maximum.

6: Through pay-per-click advertisements

This method is not the very popular one which is why we left it for the last. It involves forming pay-per-click campaigns through Google and Bing and promoting the merchant’s website directly through your affiliate links.

So you thus can send your campaigns straight to the merchant instead of using PPC to promote your own blog/ website. There are very few affiliates who see this as a very easy and fast way to get started, but experts recommend that you start with other methods we’ve discussed above.

Final Words

Having a website makes it very easy to promote products through affiliate links, but it also needs money to buy a domain and hosting it further.

If you are in the process, but quickly want to earn big through affiliate marketing, methods we have discussed above are surely for you. The above methods are sure-shot and have been picked up from some of the leading sources which reveal personal experiences from people.

Not having a website never pose any problem or limit the income one can have through affiliate marketing or promoting the products. Share them if you have more working ways to do this.

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