Becoming a mobile app developer is a gorgeous opportunity. Why? That is an interesting job and the market is huge. This is also an area to implement the most innovative and interesting ideas. And this is a well-paid job, of course.

Still, there is the other side of a coin with many nuances associated with it. Many technical points have to be observed to make things work. That is difficult but always possible, professionals from JatApp webpage know about that how to build language learning apps, and are ready to share the info about the skills that will help to do that. Apart from technical, there are also many other nuances in communication that appear after you decide to create a language app. Testing also needs attention. So, one by one (if you want Duolingo leaderboards down) – what skills will help you to make your own good mobile app?

Keeping Programming Skills at a High Level

If you are interested in how to code a language-learning app effectively, these are basic points to consider at the start.

Learning Multiple Programming Languages

Being aware of multiple languages increases the competencies of a web developer and helps to communicate with a user in a better way. You become aware of how it is better to address specific needs that a user may have more effectively from a technical perspective. These mobile app programming languages are must-haves:

  • Java
  • Kottlin
  • Objective-C
  • Swift

Mobile App Development

Cybersecurity Basics

This aspect is important to ensure while writing code for your mobile app. When it comes to a certain language, framework, and library different nuances exist.

Writing a Clean Code and Debugging

It is crucial to have a clean code for a mobile app to make it work well. Train the skill of naming all variables properly, avoid any disinformation, be consistent while programming, and keep all functions single-purpose and small.

That is a perfect goal to make a clean code, but still, bugs appear in the course of any programming. Nobody can write perfect code at once. It is always necessary to test an app a couple of times to make sure that everything works as you expect that to be. If you reveal (and you surely do that if you decide to make your own language app) any bugs, fix and correct those. You need to be aware of what to do with the bugs in each language you use.

Writing Documentation

That is an aspect that is extremely important but that all programmers hate making a bit. Documentation is designated to explain the code applied, and the purpose of each function, class, variable, button, and other thing existing in your app.

Agile Methodology Application

Know and follow this model as it is widespread among IT companies. Making a mobile app is never possible alone. The app development process is long-lasting, sometimes very. Clear coordination is required in this case.

The agile model is applied to ensure good interaction with the customers to keep them informed about all changes that appear with an app. Make the agile model a part of your mindset if you want to create your own language app and succeed with it.

Skills for a good functionality-content balance

UX and UI Design

UX design is concentrated on making an app work simpler. It ensures the coherent work of an app and its easy navigation as well. To ensure this, have a clear view of who forms a target audience and what are their main preferences. Train the skill of research and reflection about your target audience to ensure better programming work and coordination with a team, including in terms of suggesting new ideas. 

UI design is aimed at making a mobile app attractive from an aesthetic perspective. That is a background for the next images, videos, sounds, and other things placed there. A key point here is to make a user interface highly interactive. 

Clarity in Action

That is a TOP skill for all mobile app developers. Any mobile app development needs a clear organization of ideas, a strategy of content making, and be purposeful, of course. The app should be clear and transparent. 

Mobile App Development

All features and buttons should not be excessive and be to the point. All these options introduced should be coherent as well. As a mobile app developer, you need to train the skill of making your app responsive, without any delays or bugs. 

Ongoing communication with a user is important also. Loading pages, redirections, and similar things should be organized properly. Clarity in action is extremely important for app developers who are interested in how to make a learning app as this type of app requires maximal interaction with its users.

Extra Skills for the Right Appearance and Communication

There is no explicit answer to the question “How to make a language learning app?” Your creativity and the ability to discuss ideas matter a lot in this course and here is why.


Creativity is always noticeable. Feel free to generate ideas about how to make an app in more interesting way. While working as a mobile app developer, you will also cooperate with designers too so you should have a basic understanding of how things work in this case.


That is surely a must-have point impossible to sacrifice. Develop the skill of grasping the communication rules in the company you work in and how all things are negotiated there. Make sure you communicate clearly and to the point. A good thing, in this case, is to think from the perspective of your listener, especially if you have already some at least minor communicational background and know the expectations well. 

Attitude in communication matters a lot. Focus on resolving possible challenging situations (they will 100% be if you want to create an app like Duolingo) and keep a positive mood. That helps a lot to resolve the issues that appear to be unresolvable at first glance, especially when you only start.


There is a serious skillset needed for all developers who are interested in how to make an app like Duolingo. It covers having amazing programming skills and ensuring effective interaction with the designers. Having the knowledge of different programming languages, UX/UI design are must-have points to cover to start answering your personal question “How to create a language learning app?”

One thing remains steady regardless of the app you are going to develop. Personal attitude matters a lot as any programming process is time-consuming, especially when the story comes to learning apps like Duolingo. Stay optimistic about the process and your goals as not all coding things will go smoothly always – in fact, they never go smoothly. That is a precious skill for a developer to keep moving regardless of the number of bugs to correct. Communication skills also matter a lot in this course. Work on your skills to create your effective learning apps.

Manoj Chakraborty
Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips


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