How To Get Free $200 DigitalOcean Coupon Code


DigitalOcean Coupon CodeThere are many DigitalOcean Coupon codes provider available on the Internet but most of the coupons are not working. Some people are asking me about it. So After a long search, I found a method to get free $200 DigitalOcean Coupon Code with $10 for a new user( Total of $210). The Digitalocean coupons are the equivalent of a full DigitalOcean server for 7 months free!

The coupon code provides by the  CodeAnyWhere. Codeanywhere is a tool-based cloud, they provide $25 free credit for all Codeanywhere users that open a new account. They have partnered with  DigitalOcean.

First, you need to generate $25 coupon code. see how

How To Get Free $25 DigitalOcean Coupon Code?

The promo code is collect from , So you need to register in CodeAnyWhere in order to get a promo code DigitalOcean.

1. Sign up new CodeAnyWhere

Visit CodeAnyWhere Signup Page, enter your Email and Password. Or you can sign up by Google plus / FaceBook / Bitbucket / Github.

signup for digital ocean coupon

2. Generate $25 DigitalOcean coupon from CodeAnyWhere

After you sign up finished, CodeAnyWhere will immediately display the Editor Page . There will you see a popup Connection Wizard to create a new project again.

On the popup page click on DigitalOcean of the left side, then click the Get Coupon and you will receive a code for get free $25 in DigitalOcean Credit.

get digital ocean discount coupon


Now must create a new account on DigitalOcean by this link: Digital Ocean $10. After creating an account, you need to apply promo code below Settings> Billing> Promo Code.

You will get total $25 for promo code and $10 for new user that total $25+$10= $35

That’s It, you are done. Now you can use this coupon code to get $35 credit. By this method, you can create or generate unlimited coupon code and use them on digital ocean VPS.

If you don’t know how to create VPS on DigitalOcean the follow this article: How to Make a VPS in DigitalOcean?

If you have any problem or want to ask any question then feel free to comment here I will try to solve your problem.

Manoj Chakraborty

Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips

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