7 Things You Didn’t Know Your Chromecast Device Could Do


When it comes to portable streaming, a Chromecast device comes in handy. So whether you want to watch Disney Plus, Netflix, or Prime Video during your holidays, a Chromecast device will always be your savior. 

The main advantage of a Chromecast device is its portability. Simply plug it in, cast it with the help of a Wi-Fi connection, and stream away! Over the period, different Chromecast versions have been introduced in the market.

Chromecast Device Could Do

The latest generation in the market is Chromecast with Google TV that includes a remote control feature too. However, we bet you didn’t know all the tips and tricks about your Chromecast device! So, in this blog, we have listed 7 things that you didn’t know your Chromecast device could do:

No one enjoys streaming when the content continues to buffer. For example, imagine streaming your favorite Netflix movie, and right at the climax, the movie starts buffering! Now, buffering can happen for several reasons, but one of the reasons is usually a slow Wi-Fi connection.

Not many people know that Google has introduced an Ethernet adapter to sort your slow internet connection issues. You will spot an Ethernet port on one end, and the other has a USB connection to connect your adapter to the Chromecast device. After that, connect your Device to your TV, and voila!

  • Limit Google Tracking:

Having your privacy in this digital era is the most crucial thing. One way or another, applications, software, and the devices we use continue to track our activities. The same is the case with using a Chromecast device.

Since you use Chromecast for streaming and browsing, it is nearly inconceivable to stop all your tracking completely. Simply limit what is getting tracked.

It can be done by going to your Chromecast device’s Home screen, locating “Living room Chromecast,” and navigating to the “gear icon” to go to settings. Once the device settings screen comes through, switch off the tab “Help improve Chromecast – Automatically share device stats and crash reports with Google to improve everyone’s experience.”

  • Personalize Device with background photos:

You can personalize the background of your Chromecast by existing photos or artworks from Google’s library to your Device. First, from Google Home, click on the Chromecast icon. Next, navigate to the ambient mode by clicking on the gear icon. Once you are in the “ambient mode,” you can select images from the Google gallery. 

In addition to this, you can also specify the interval time between switching photos.

  • Bluetooth Feature for Headphones:

The Bluetooth feature is much needed when you want to watch a movie or a TV show just by yourself without disturbing anyone in the room. All you need to do from your Google TV Home menu is navigate to the Remote & Accessories section and enable Bluetooth to pair up with your headphones.

The tip, as mentioned above, is only valid for the new generations. You will need to use the Local cast feature for older generations of Chromecast.

  • Parental Controls:

Chromecast with Google TV offers enhanced parental controls. Parents no longer need to supervise the content their children view, let’s say, on Netflix. All they can do is simply create a separate kids’ profile and specify the apps a kid’s profile can access. 

Furthermore, parents can also specify screen time, and when the screen time is about to end, a warning is displayed on the screen.

  • Stay updated with Chromecast Preview Program:

By joining the Chromecast Preview Program, you will get all the latest updates regarding the features and accessibility before releasing them to the general public. You can subscribe to the Preview Program by clicking the “gear icon” and scroll down to “Preview Program” by clicking “Join Program and agree to receive emails about new features.”

You can unsubscribe from it by selecting “Leave Program.”

  • Enable Guest Mode on Chromecast:

Enabling Guest Mode on Chromecast gives liberty to your guests to select what they want to view without the need of you giving them your Wi-Fi access. Instead, simply turn the Guest mode on from device settings and share the pin with your guests.

The guest can look for a “nearby device” with the help of a supported app and enter the pin shown on your TV screen. It is important to note that Chromecast on Google TV does not support Guest mode.


Chromecast is known to be a user-friendly device that helps you cast content swiftly. Besides the tips mentioned above, there are plenty of other tips and tricks to enhance your streaming experience. Some of the other recommendations are creating a YouTube TV queue, using the Plex app to playback saved media in the cloud, and using Google assistant with Google TV.

Manoj Chakraborty

Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips

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