Hulu is one of the best online Streaming services for Tv Shows, Movies, TV series, Kids videos the same as Netflix and Amazon. Everything on Hulu is in full HD quality and you can watch all of the staff for a very low monthly fee. Some people asking me about how to skip or block Hulu ads while streaming the content, so In this article, I decided to share some methods to Skip or Block Hulu Ads.

Block Hulu AdsThere are a lot of methods to skip Hulu ads. I will show you here some of the easy methods without waste of time. Before going to the steps, Let I clarify to you here I will show you all platforms methods Android, iPhone, and PC.

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Methods To Block Hulu Ads Easily

Before the start, we want to say these Ads are a part of Hulu’s revenue stream. So We can’t guarantee that the ads will remove 100% but We tested the methods and the maximum time, It has worked and also all method are safe and by applying this methods Hulu no ads will show. So Let’s see.

It has to be noted that their packages contain loads of on-demand library at an affordable price. This is why people would invest in their service. You can check out why here in this article.

1. Hulu Multiple Page Ad skip trick

By this method, you skip ads time log to a short time. Just you need to open multiple tabs on your browser same  Video or Movie. See:

  1. Go to Hulu site and open any Tv show or Movie
  2. Open 2nd tab and open the same program you opened in the 1st Tab step,
  3. Mute the 2nd tab video and fast forward it, before the first commercial Ad.
  4. Go back to the first Hulu Page you opened and watch your program
  5. When it gets to the 1st commercial, mute it, open the 2nd Hulu Tab and unmute it, and rewind to the first commercial.
  6. Since it has already played that commercial, the show will start instantly from that point, thus “skipping ads” the commercial.
  7. By jumping along with the tabs in backward and forward of Hulu programs, you can efficiently view the entire show without holding to stop over some of these annoying 30-second ads.

skip Hulu AdsThis is a way to “skip” ads on Hulu that will last, however, it almost seems like more work but hard than it’s worth to me personally.

2. Reload or Refresh Hulu video Page

This is another trick to make long time ads for a short time. If you face a long time Ad which is about 3-4 minutes more, then you can just reload the page that will take you to 30 seconds Ad which is shorter. Then you can able to continue your program. If you see after reload again come long Ads then again try to reload.

3. Upgrade Hulu Plan to No Commercial

Upgrade Hulu Plan to No CommercialThis is a more valid way to skip Hulu ads by upgrading Hulu plus plan to no commercial. Just for extra $4, that means total $11.99 plan you can enjoy Shows and movies without painful Ads.

By this way, you can skip almost all Commercial while watching any program on Hulu.

4. Fast Forward Hulu Ads By Using Enounce MySpeed

enounce myspeed skip hulu ads

Enounce MySpeed is a great tool to skip or fast forward Ads on Hulu. So you don’t have to watch or a long wait to watch your favorite program. This will skip so fastly ads. So just you need to download below link and install on your Windows PC or Mac Os.

Enounce MySpeed

5. Block Hulu Ads By Using Ad Blocker

Do you think Ad Blocker can be blocked all Hulu ads? Then you are wrong, it is impossible to block or skip the commercial ads of Hulu. Because Hulu does not surf ads like youtube they are using an unknown back end script to show ads. So there is no trick to block them.

ad blocked for Hulu adsHere I can suggest Adblocked For chrome browser, you can install it on your chrome browser link: Adblocker for Chrome – NoAds. The Adblocker can’t block ads but it will add a black mask on Ads screen. So you no need to watch the awful commercial on Hulu. You will have to wait until the ad timer ends. But this is better than watching those ads.

Warning: It might issue that some videos might not be played if you are using this extension so make sure you disable the addon if this happens.

Final Words:

Hulu is good to watch shows, movies but without Hulu plus no Commercial plan you are not able to watch directly Videos without Ads. So I personally prefer Hulu to Netflix.

Manoj Chakraborty
Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips



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