How to Unblock Disabled Facebook Account by using Fake Id proof


Nowadays, We are all using Facebook daily, and we all have many important posts, pictures, messages, etc. But what if our Facebook account gets blocked or disabled? So should we lose all our friends, images, groups, page and all or there is any method who can recover disabled account?

The facebook account disable two types,

  • Temporarily disable and
  • Permanent disable.

If your Facebook account has been permanently disabled, then you won’t recover your account, and if your facebook account is temporarily disabled or locked, then you can unblock or recover your account by doing answer your security question or by doing Photo-Identification process.

Unblock Disabled Facebook Account

Don’t worry; I will help you here. The Post is only for the users who are unable to access their Facebook accounts. In this tutorial, I will explain here how To unblock Disabled Facebook Account By Using Fake Government Id proof.

Also check: Create Gmail Account Without Phone Number Verification

Why Facebook disabled Account?

There are many causes why Facebook account can get’s disabled

  • Violate term & rules of Facebook
  • use of a fake details Name, photo, etc.
  • Use of stylish font profile names, special characters names.
  • Posting bad content that violates Facebook terms.
  • For using Auto Like or share script
  • Or even if some people reported badly about your profile.

For more precise Information about Facebook terms & policies, you can read it here T&C

But if you think that your facebook account was locked by mistake, you can Reactivate(Enable/unlock) that account by submitting an appeal.

To Submit an appeal, go to this Facebook contact page Submit an Appeal on Facebook.

Now on the page fill the form and upload your Valid government-issued photo ID proof like a Passport or Driver’s license etc and after upload, click on ‘Send’ button. See below image:

Unblock Disabled Facebook Account By Using Fake Id proof

Here some example types of ID does FB accepts:

  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
  • Personal or vehicle insurance card
  • Green card, residence permit or immigration papers
  • Voter ID card
  • Visa
  • National age card
  • Immigration registration card
  • Tax identification card

The main problem comes now, If you don’t have any govt Id or if you are created a Facebook Id with all fake details then How can possible to recover that IDNothing is impossible. I have found an App that can generate Fake Govt. ID. So

How To Recover Facebook Account By Using Fake Id proof?

Follow all steps to create fake:

  • At First Download Fake ID generator App
  • After Download, Install it and Open The App.
  • Choose Templates
  • Fill your name and DOB (Fill DOB and NAME Which You Provide In your FB Profile).
  • Choose a country and Upload you’re Any Color Photo.
  • Finally, Click On Generate
  • Its Done Your Fake Id Proof Is Ready.
  • Now Remove Footer Fake identity Credits( Fake ID Generator ) and Upload it on facebook.

fake id for facebook

Now you need to wait to confirm your submission for ID proof. After few times your Facebook account will be unlocked. So this is a simple tutorial to unblock disabled facebook account by using any fake govt. ID proof.

In my case, they won’t unlock all disabled accounts which go for appeals. Nobody knows exactly about how the Facebook staff confirms our proofs and there is no guarantee that they will unlock all accounts. Some people get back their id by this process and some people don’t.

Manoj Chakraborty

Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips

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