18 Free and Paid Resources for Learning JavaScript Online


Learning JavaScript Online – Interested in becoming a web developer? If yes, then you need to learn JavaScript (JS) or a programming language. You can start by joining a free tutorial via the internet, or taking a paid JavaScript course if you want a professional career as a web developer.

JavaScript is mostly used to create and enhance the interactive aspects of websites and applications. JavaScript should begin to be studied after you master HTML and basic computer science, and are ready to enter the world of web development.

free Learning JavaScript OnlineThere are many ways to learn JavaScript. Self-taught learning by downloading JavaScript ebooks, or taking a free online course. But if you need a JavaScript certificate to improve your career, you must take a paid course.

Some JavaScript Learning online Resources Available on the Internet:

Also Read: Huge Collections of Udemy paid courses for free

Free JavaScript Course and Course Materials

Free courses do not provide certification, but provide knowledge and certainly make you adept at JavaScript (if you have the time and self-discipline to learn). Some of the best free JavaScript learning resources are:

1. Khan Academy

Many study materials are available for people of all ages. Everything is free. One typical Khan Academy JavaScript course is Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation. Khan Academy deserves to be the first source of learning JavaScript online.

2. Codecy

Codecademy site is the right place for beginners to start learning to code. The Codecademy platform has various tracks, including JavaScript tracks.

3. Channel 9

The Channel 9 course, named “JavaScript Fundamentals: Development for Absolute Beginners,” is part of the Microsoft Virtual Academy. The course consists of 21 JavaScript teaching material videos. Suitable for beginner students.

4. Learn-JS.org

The Learn-JS.org site provides an interactive, free JavaScript learning experience, where students can read lessons and type the code into the editor. Tutorials are available from basic to advanced levels .

5. JavaScript Garden

JavaScript Garden mainly addresses common mistakes people make when writing JavaScript. Suitable for people who have learned the basics of JavaScript, and developers who are a little more proficient in coding.

6. Mozilla Developer Network

Mozilla provides free JavaScript courses for various levels of complexity. From JavaScript basics, go up to Beginner level to Intermediate to Advanced level . So you can take courses in sequence.

7. Eloquent JavaScript

Free books are written by Marijn Haverbeke. The book is divided into three parts: language, browser, and node. You can read free Eloquent JavaScript books online, or buy a paperback version of the printed book.

8. JavaScript for Cats

Free online books that discuss many topics about JavaScript, all broken down into many parts. In this JavaScript for Cats book, it is mentioned that JavaScript is very easy to learn.

9. Code School from Pluralsight.com

Course materials available  CodeSchool: JavaScript Road Trip Part I  which is an introduction to the basics of JavaScript. Pluralsight is actually a paid platform, but you can take the Individual Free Trial package for 10 days.

Paid Course Courses and JavaScript Certifications

The advantage of paid JavaScript learning resources is that the material delivered is more in-depth, and there is usually JavaScript certification for students who graduate.

10. CIW

Middle level courses are available for preparation of the CIW JavaScript Specialistcertification . To take a course at CIW , you need to be proficient in using the internet, network configuration, developing web pages, and developing HTML code.

11. Udacity

There are always independent courses available at Udacity , so you can join the course at any time and with the duration of the study you want. The class is free, but the Nanodegree certification fee and tutoring program at the Udacity site are expensive.

12. Marsters Frontend

There is a series of “JavaScript and Web” video classes which include JavaScript history, detailed language, functions, security, how browsers and servers work. The tutor at the  Marsters Frontend is Douglas Crockford, author of “JavaScript: The Good Parts.”

13. National Computer Science Academy

JavaScript training materials and certification exams are available online at the National Computer Science Academy . If you become a member, you will get unlimited access to courses and certification.

14. W3Schools.com

Tutorials, quizzes and online exams are done via the internet. W3Schools.comstudents can get a JavaScript Developer Certificate that proves basic knowledge in web development using JavaScript and HTML DOM.

15. Code School from Pluralsight.com

After learning the free “JavaScript Road Trip Part 1”, continue by taking paid courses for completion and getting a certificate stating that you have learned the basics of JavaScript, syntax, files, and variables.

JavaScript Tutorial Materials that Can Be Downloaded and Learned While Offline

This JavaScript tutorial material is in English and is not free. Available in the form of ebooks and printed books. Buy or download one of these tutorial books if you are tired of learning online continuously.

16. The Modern JavaScript Tutorial

Is a JavaScript tutorial material from beginner level to advanced concepts like OOP. Includes basic material tutorials, code quality, data types, error handling, and advanced work.

17. JavaScript: The Good Parts

The Good Part s is a short book by Douglas Crockford that discusses core JavaScript features. This book is best suited for middle-level programmers, because it is sometimes confusing for beginners.

18. Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 3rd Edition

Professional JavaScript for Web Developers, 3rd Edition is an electronic book by Nicholas C. Zakas that contains an introduction to the developer level and advanced JavaScript feature material. This 960 page book is not for beginners.

Now you know there are many ways to Learning JavaScript Online programming languages. Do not need big fees if you have strong desires, time, and self-discipline in learning. And most importantly: start learning from now on.

Manoj Chakraborty

Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips

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