Technology doesn’t tend to involve any type of uncertainty. After all, it is based on mechanic automation and, overwhelmingly, mathematics. And when it comes to math, there simply isn’t space for randomness. In other words, generating randomness in a computer program or game is actually quite challenging.


However, when it comes to the gaming industry, randomness is incredibly important. At its most basic, randomness helps break up what would otherwise be straightforward and predictable sequences. At its most complex, randomness helps create challenges and uncertainty for gamers who are competing at a high level. In other words, randomness in eSports throws players a few curveballs to truly test their skills.

But how is randomness generated? And why is it so important when viewed through the lens of various games? Let’s explore.

Randomness in iGaming: Slots Example

Many people think about CS: GO skins or spawn points when pairing randomness with gaming. However, it’s even more important within the casino gaming industry. Let’s use the example of slots. Players who shop around for the best slots to play trust that the titles they find will offer a fully randomized outcome with each spin.

But, as mentioned above, randomness doesn’t compute in terms of hard mathematics. To make it so, developers rely on something called a random number generator. A random number generator (RNG) is a computer program that—as you’ve probably guessed—spits out totally randomized sequences of numbers that are used to ‘generate’ randomness.

Programs rely on all sorts of number sequencing to do this. The most advanced RNGs might even be connected to natural events like seismic activity, lightning strikes, and atmospheric noise.


Randomness in eSports: FPS Example

When it comes to eSports, most gamers will imagine FPS titles like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Which side will a player end up on before the game starts? And what about spawn positions and skins? Just like developers who create some of the world’s most popular slots, video game developers will also go above and beyond to make sure that certain outcomes can’t be predicted.

And just like slots developers, they’ll also rely on random number generators, along with things like random reward mechanisms, to get the job done. But the purpose here is a bit different. With a game like slots, the entire point of the game is to have a randomized outcome that players can’t predict—that’s what makes it so exciting.

Within a competitive sport like CS: GO, and even with non-PC Android titles, the purpose is to challenge players. If there was no element of randomness (aside from a player’s independent decision-making), then the games wouldn’t be fun to play or watch. They wouldn’t challenge players and teams in new ways.

And, at the same time, developers must be sure not to integrate too much randomness. After all, a player’s skill won’t be applicable if unpredictable elements continue to happen. One of the primary ways that randomness is applied is through shooting accuracy. A player’s accuracy comes down to skill and experience. However, just like in the real world, unforeseen elements will affect a bullet’s trajectory. For this reason, randomness has its place in even the most rigorously regulated eSports.

Manoj Chakraborty
Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips


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