Download YouTube Thumbnail Images – YouTube thumbnail images are one of the important components to maintaining the continuity of a channel, because thumbnail images have many benefits.

What are the benefits of YouTube thumbnail images?

  • Beautifying the appearance of videos
  • attract viewers through a good design
  • Attract or encourage viewers To watch and subscribe
  • A nice Thumbnail receives more clicks, ETC

Can also be used for Clickbait

Download YouTube Thumbnail Images 1Clickbait can be done in two ways, namely through the title and also through thumbnail images. Clickbait itself was busy being used and discussed by the public.

The presence of Clickbait was busy being discussed, because most of the titles and contents of videos or thumbnails, titles, and contents of videos made were irrelevant or just deceptive.

Is it wrong?

Of course not, because Clickbait’s goal is to get viewers.

It’s just that, when you want to make Clickbait, especially Clickbait through thumbnail images, don’t overdo it.


If it’s too much the same as fraud, and if it’s a fraud, the channel can be reported to YouTube and banned.

Read More:

Tips to make your custom YouTube thumbnail Great

  1. Follow YouTube’s guidance for size and format.
  2. Use an image making eye contact with the viewer
  3. Make sure thumbnails look great at both small and large sizes.
  4. Must add keywords or title of your video
  5. Use bright images.
  6. If you want to use your face then must use a good camera
  7. Text should be colorful and bold

Trick Download YouTube Thumbnail Images

When searching for videos that are on YouTube, sometimes there are very good thumbnails. Even so, the thumbnail is so good, sometimes we want to download it.

Can it?

Certainly can. And here are ways you can do if you want to download YouTube thumbnail images.

1. Downloading Custom Thumbnail Automatic Images

When you want to upload a video, YouTube usually provides three automatic images that can be selected by its users.

And here’s how to download these three automatic images:

1. For the first link, mqdefault is a link that can be used to download small size custom thumbnails.

2. As for the second, 0 is a link to download custom size thumbnails with a 4: 3 ratio.

3. And finally, maxresdefault is the link used to download large size custom thumbnails. Maxres default itself is only available if the video has 720p or 1080p quality.

Example if you want to download PewDiePie thumbnail images then change the text IDvideo to the video Id.

Time to test:

PewDiePie thumbnail download youtube2. Online site to download Thumbnail images

There are some online sites that auto-generate thumbnail images. One of them here I am showing you how to do that.

Link: Download Youtube HD Thumbnail in 4 sizes

Just visit the site paste the URL of the Video and the 4 sizes images will show there.


By applying the methods above, you can clearly see other people’s thumbnail images. Not only clear, but you can also download it on your computer.

This is also a warning, especially for YouTubers who are still not careful when making thumbnails.

Manoj Chakraborty
Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips


  1. There is one more website on the internet I have found to download youtube thumbnail in high quality which is I have use this for my digital marketing project. i must say this is very fast site i have use.


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