The Difference Between Paid Web Hosting and Free Hosting


How concerned are you when it comes to choosing a web hosting for your website? Is the paid web hosting good enough for your website or should you just go along with the free hosting?

Difference Between Paid Web Hosting and Free Hosting
In today’s world nothing can be free, from birth to the death we have to pay for everything. Remember things never come to you directly, you have to pay its price.

So do you think free web hosting would be good for your website?

No one makes a website for just passion, eventually, there are thoughts of monetization. If you too want to monetize your blog then you have to go for the best option available. Today, I am going to share with you reasons why good web hosting is the best and why you should get good hosting when that time comes.

Some of the good host providers are:

Free hosting provider companies are:

More Top 10 Best Free Web Hosting Providers

Reason: 1

Less Downtime Of Website.

If you need to prosper then you have to be at a right spot to catch the right opportunity. Your website needs to be online 24×7, we can’t even compromise a single second. We never know when success knocks your door. I personally think it is very unprofessional for you to have a business website and the website is offline (apart from when you are doing maintenance work on the website).

Would you return to a website that is always down or seems to be not working at all, because of web hosting issues?

I hardly think you would come back. A website can only prosper if it is constantly online. Your website needs to be online with at least 99.9% uptime so that visitors can have access to information or services provided on your website.

Downtime of a website only means that business isn’t booming or the owner of the website isn’t really serious about operating a successful website. A blogging is a job which requires strict discipline and discipline isn’t compromised.

So always consider the website always being online when choosing a good web hosting instead of being down with free.

Reason: 2

Speed / Loading Time Matters

The modern world is more of fast and furious rather than slow and steady wins the race.

The slower your website is, the more annoying it is for users.

Is that statement true or false? I don’t think I have to give the answer to this question.

Not all the time we are going to wait for a website to load so that we can get things done. There is a cross sign (close tab sign) in a web browser and this button is often clicked when a website takes long to load.

The faster your website is then the more satisfied your website visitors will be and reliable web hosting is needed to keep your website up to speed.

Read more: How To Increase Your Blog/Site Speed Without Moving Hosting

Reason: 3

Access to FTP files and databases.

It is a major disadvantage of free hosting that it doesn’t provide access to options like FTP client, SQL database, multiple domain hosting and many other.

This means that neither you can backup your site. As the option of SQL database is unable and neither you can migrate your site as FTP client files access is disabled. They would insist you to buy premium accounts in order to access this and you have to buy those expensive hosting plans because we can’t afford to lose the efforts and time we have put over there.

Why get stressed later, when good hosting is available at price of cups of coffee.

Reason: 4

Money Making Options.

This money making should have been the reason 1 for buying a good web hosting but according to the technicality, it is appearing at number 4.

The reason why you are not making money because your website is sleeping or probably dead. It’s time for you to wake up and breathe life into your website by getting a powerful web host. You could be missing out on some awesome money making opportunities right now because you are on some cheap hosting which allows your website to be down.

One thing that successful website owners that truly make money online will tell you and that gets good hosting because this will help to determine if you will make money online or not.

Reason: 5

Security Is A Must

There are hackers among us and they are after your website to snatch them from you and make them their own.

Not only that, but your website is at risk as well if you don’t have your files backed up on your hard drive.

Good web hosting provides more security and features to ensure that your site is safe. Web sites that have hosting that aren’t secured will realize that they are prone to be hacked because the hosting that they are on offers no form of security whatsoever.

Always remember that security plays a big role on web hosting, especially if you operate a business online from your website and you have tons of customers.

Reason: 6

You will get sub-domain.

The free hosting will not allow you to host your proper domain name but it will host a sub-domain.

For example

It looks very unprofessional and would not let you have a good domain authority. Ultimately less income from the blog.


When you get a good web hosting you will get loads of features in your hosting package.

Some of which may include:

One click installation of WordPress

24/7 Tech support

Website migration

Free domain

Host unlimited domains

Website builder

…and may more features.

Personal experience

It is always best to choose a great web hosting for your website because at the end of the day a free host will not let you free from the stress.

In starting, I also started on free hosting sites but I realized quite early that I should stop here and should take up a good hosting as an option. I was lucky to get this difference very early and prevented my hard work from going into vain but you may not be as lucky as I so get a good host.

prazwal mahajan

My name is Prazwal Mahajan , The admin of Pileupblogs and TechioguyI have converted my passion of blogging into full time blogger. As the curiousity of writing demanded more from me , so I am here to start my own website , to satisfy my hunger .

2 thoughts on “The Difference Between Paid Web Hosting and Free Hosting”

  1. That’s great article and great information , thanks for publishing. I was going to take free hosting but now I know the pro and con


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