How To Ad Proxies Different Browsers Chrome, Firefox, Opera


Ad Proxies Different BrowsersHere I am showing you How To ad Proxies different browsers like chrome, internet explorer, firefox, safari, and opera. generally Proxy uses for hiding IPs, access blocked website and send fake traffics. but we recommend a VPN for that instead.

Read More Best Free Proxy Sites With High Speed Proxy Servers

How to setup Proxies Different Browsers?

Google Chrome

  1. Click the three vertical dots icon in the upper right (Customize and Control Google Chrome).
  2. Click on Settings.
  3. Click on the Show Advanced settings
  4. In the Network section, click on the Change Open Proxy Setting button.
  5. This will open your computer’s Internet Properties window.
  6. Click on the Connections tab.
  7. Click on the LAN settings button.
  8. Tick on proxy server and Add working Proxy Port
  9. Now click Ok to save setting

Read More How to Set A Proxy Server In Windows 10

Internet Explorer

  1. First of all, you will need proxy servers ( proxies ) for your Internet Browser
  2.  Now you will need to start Internet Explorer. Click on Tools and select Internet Options
  3. Move to the Connections tab. At the bottom of the window in the Local Area Network (LAN) settings section click on the LAN Settings
  4. First of all, check the box labeled Use a Proxy server and after click on Advanced
  5. Type your proxy servers IP address under Proxy address to use and proxy port under Port
  6. Check the box labeled Use the same proxy server for all protocols Click OK button
  7. Now you have successfully setup proxy for your Internet Explorer.


Opera has built in VPN that calls Opera VPN So you can use Opera VPN or you can setup your private proxy.

How To enable Opera VPN Of your Opera Desktop Version?

  1. Open Oprea setting by Pressing Alt + P
  2. Click to open Privacy & Security
  3. Find VPN and Click to Enable VPN
  4. Now your Opera VPN starts working

Setup Proxy:

  1. For add proxy Open Oprea setting by Pressing Alt + P
  2. Open Browser option > Click Change Proxy Setting
  3. This will open your computer’s Internet Properties window.
  4. Click on the Connections tab.
  5. Click on the LAN settings button.
  6. Tick on proxy server and Add working Proxy Port
  7. Now click Ok to save setting


  1. Start Firefox. Click on Tools and select Options
  2. Click on the Advanced
  3. Select Network tab and click on Settings
  4. Click on the radio button Manual proxy configuration
  5. Type your proxy servers IP address in HTTP Proxy field and proxy port in Port
  6.  Click the box Use this proxy server for all protocols and finally click OK
  7. Now you have successfully setup proxy for your browser.


  1. Open your Safari browser and click on gear icon located at the right top corner of your
    screen. Click on “Preferences…”
  2. In “preference” window click on “Advanced” menu. In this advanced menu window,
    we can find a row labeled as “Proxies:”, click on “Change Settings…”.
  3. On clicking “Change Settings…”, another pop window will appear on your screen
    labeled as “Internet Properties”. In this window click on “LAN Settings”.
  4. On clicking “LAN Settings”, another window will appear on your screen labeled as
    “Local Area Network (LAN) Settings”, as shown in below image. In this window click on
    the box provided in Proxy Server block as highlighted.
  5. On clicking this, “Address” and Port rows will be enabled. Enter both Addresses
    and Port and click on “OK”.

These settings will not be applicable for dial up connections. These settings will be saved after your confirmation and close all windows including browser. Restart your browser to activate this settings

Manoj Chakraborty

Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips

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