Increase Your Adsense Earning by Blocking Low Paying Ads


For AdSense users, I have a nice method to increase your Adsense earning by blocking low paying Ads. AdSense is the best way of making money online, but it is not an easy way to make money from Adsense. We spend time for create a niche blog or website and also post good articles for more and more visitor but when we get low earning or CPC from Adsense then we feel very bad.

So I have a legal and easy method to increase AdSense earning by the blocking low CPC ads. When you will block low CPC ads on your Adsense account then high CPC ads will be showing in your blog that means your earning will increase.

Why Your Adsense CPC is Going to Low?

There are several advertisers for the same keyword. Some advertisers bid High CPC, but some of them pay very low bucks to the publishers for the same keyword. Some ad bid may give you only 0.01$ per click which are considered under the low CPC ads. In this case, your Adsense earning might be lower if your blog shows such ads with low CPC.

How to Increase Adsense Earning?

If your blog or website have good traffic, but your CPC or Adsense earning very low that mean your blog is getting very low CPC ads. It is the main reason for low earning. So you need to block those ads who gives you very low CPC.

How to Block Low CPC Ads URLs?

If you want to increase your Adsense earning by blocking low paying Ads then you need to just follow the steps:

1. Login to your Google AdSense Account

2. Click on allow & Block ads.

Increase Your Adsense Earning

4. If you have multiple sites then select one site you want to block low CPC ads.

There, you can find several options to block low CPC ads. If want to block low CPCAdvertiser URLs then you can add URLs in Advertiser URLs

blocked urls on adsense

  • Click on Advertiser URLs
  • Type URLs you want to block
  • Click on Block URLs button

I have some low CPC ads URLs you can block all of them More are HERE

How to Low CPC Ads on Ad review centre?

You can also block bad CPC ads on ad review centre. check how:

1. Open your AdSense account>> Allow & Blocks ads and click on Ad review centre

Increase Your Adsense Earning by Blocking Low Paying Ads

2. In the below image you can see Low Impression ads they are also very low CPC ads you can block them by click on Block 

ads review block

How To Block Low CPC Ads By Categories in Google Adsense?

Same again visit your AdSense account and click on Allow & Block ads. There you can see in Picture General and sensitive Categories in you Google Adsense. if you think it is low CPC then Blocked those Categories. See these Categories which have to generate low income Blocked them.

Increase Your Adsense Earning by Blocking Low Paying Ads

It is a very easy method to increase your Adsense earning by blocking low paying ads. After changing all settings, it will take some time to increase your earning.

It will help you to increase your CPC and your earning will be high. If you have any problem to do this setting feel to free comment here I will help you.

Manoj Chakraborty

Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips

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