Top Free Copyright Images Websites For Blog/Website


Free Copyright Images Websites – Actually taking pictures on the Internet is a very easy matter, do not need tricks or special way. Staying browsing on google image and you can get free images what you want quickly.

Images are a very important element in order to attract visitors to our website. The use of the right image will make the website look more professional and pleasing to the eye.

Perhaps there are still many of us who search the image through search engines (Google Images) regardless of whether the image is allowed to be reused or not. To avoid copyright issues that may arise in the future, it would be nice if we start using the images that are intended to be reused.

There are many sites that provide quality images for free use without asking for permission. here we provide a list of 5 websites provides free copyright images that you can exploit.

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Top 5 Free Images Provider Websites Without Copyright

1. Pexels

Pexels claiming that they have had 15,000 free stock images at the best resolution you can use for the benefit of your blog.

Free Copyright Images

They also say there are at least free and paid 3000 new photos each month. So you do not have to worry about running out of the picture if you want to subscribe to the site.



Flickr is the world’s largest photo-sharing site. Unfortunately, not all members of this site allow their photos to be used by others. The trick is to use Advanced Search Page, then select the Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content and type in the keyword of the photo you are looking for.

When you find a suitable photo, right-click the photo and look at Some rights reserved to find out the copyright description. To get photos or images from this site, you can register first or not.

3. is a site under the management of Getty Images. The site claims that they have 350,000 photos or images of 30,000 photographers. To get a picture of this site, you must register first.

4. Freerange

Once you register for free membership on this site, thousands of stock images with top notch resolution can be obtained instantly without having to pay anything.

Top Free Copyright Images Websites For Blog/WebsiteGood news for those of you who also have a hobby of photography, Freerange offer cooperation to result from Google Adsense if you contribute in supplying the stock photos on the site.

5. Bing Image Search

Bing is a search engine like Google, you can use it to search images. The problem with using a search engine to find images is locating those that you can use without copyright breach. Bing helps with this by allowing you to filter for images that are free to use.

Read More: Best YouTube Channels for Learning Photography

6. Life of Pix

On the front page of the Life of Pix are writings that confirm that all the pictures available on the site are 100% free and without copyright.

free images from lifeofpix

Life of Pix is deliberately donated pictures – drawing them to the owners of the public domain such as blogs, thousands of images can be easily you get there.

7. IM Creator

There are dozens of categories of images on the site of IM Creator that there can get for free.
Not much different from the three previous sites, IM Creator also release all the pictures available of copyrighted image maker

free images from imcreator

This site is very suitable as a reference for those who are managing blogs with content that is viral.

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8. MorgueFile

MorgueFile provides free images or photos without registering. You just search through the search facility or Explore the morgueFile that will take you to various categories of images.

9. Free Photos Bank

Free Photos Bank provides free photos of various categories ranging from Abstract, Architecture, to Life. Different from SXC, you do not need to register to get the photo you are looking for. You simply download it.

Thus 5 website provider without copyright free images which we recommend to you, may be useful. If you know more about any free websites who provide copyright images then please share with us.

Manoj Chakraborty

Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips

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