Clean Site URL, Cool Site That Can Clean Google Links


When we give a link to someone else, sometimes we do not know the original link and the link that provide will be very long and contain characters that are not needed. Examples Gmail or Google links are too long and characters that are not needed.

The following is an example:<mpl=default<mplcache=2&emr=1&osid= 1 & flowName = GlifWebSignIn & flowmetry = ServiceLogi

The link above contains characters that are not needed which can not be used. However, not everyone knows how to Clean Google Links. But fortunately, now we can remove or clean those URLs very easily because we can use the Clean URL.

Clean Google LinksClean URL is a site that allows users to clear Google links of various characters that are not needed. With a Clean URL, you no longer need to panic when you find a long link that contains characters that are not needed because you can clean it in Clean URL.

How to Clean the Link on the Clean URL Site

1. Please copy the link that you want to clean.

2. Visit the Clean URL site.

3. Enter the link in the URL copied from the Google search results column.

clean site url4. Click clean it and the site will start cleaning the Gmail link.

5. The link was successfully cleared, and the following results.

clean site url 26. Finish.

By utilizing a Clean URL, you can clean various types of links, whether for video, PDF, or other links. So, please take advantage of this site as well as possible for your various needs.

The Founder Still A Student

When you enter the Clean URL site, surely you will find out that the site is a site created by individuals, not companies. The name of the creator or founder of Clean URL is James Trimble, who is currently a computer science student.

On his site, James also said that Clean URL is a site that he created for the personal site only because he likes to make sites fun. Also, he also said he would try to keep the Clean URL in the next few years.

That means, sites that we can use to clean Google links can stop operating according to James’s wishes. But in his profile on the Ko-fi website, James said he would accept a small donation for hosting costs from the site he had created so that the site could last a long time.

Manoj Chakraborty

Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips

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