You are reading this article because you are looking for examples of good email addresses for personal or work purposes. Basically making email is easy, but sometimes people get confused about making their own email names.

For starters, it’s good you first understand what email is and for what purpose you created that email. In short, the notion of e-mail ( electronic mail ) is a means for sending and receiving digital messages through computer networks and the internet.

Good Email Addresses

Basically, email is used for activities on the internet. Some activities on the internet that require us to have email, for example;

  1. Communicate with other parties via electronic mail
  2. Create an account on social media sites
  3. Shop online at marketplace or e-commerce sites.
  4. Register on the online forum site
  5. And so forth

If you want to find examples of good email addresses for personal and work needs, then you should listen to this article to the end.

Example Email Address for Personal

Currently, the use of e-mail for personal use is very plural. Especially those who are tech-savvy and are always in touch with computers and the internet. In other words, an email can act as a person’s personal identity on the internet.

Usually, personal email is used to send and receive messages, send and receive documents (pdf, doc, excel), and other communication activities via email. In addition, a personal email is also needed to create a social media account such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Line, and so on.

The following are some examples of personal email addresses:

1. Using Gmail

2. Using Yahoo Mail

3. Using Other Free Email Services

Also read: How to Make an Email

Example of an Email Address for a Job

Currently, to do work or business activities many use email. The use of this e-mail is usually for sending digital files or documents to others related to one’s work or profession.

Although many companies currently use the company’s website domain itself to create employee e-mail, it is not uncommon for workers or business people to still use free e-mail services.

The following are some sample email addresses for a job or business:

1. Example of an Email Address Using a Company Domain

2. Example of an Email Address Using a Free Email Service

Tips for Making an Email Address

Tips for Making an Email Address

Creating an e-mail may seem very easy to do, but in the case of choosing an e-mail name, of course, we should not be careless.

Why is that?

Because an email address can be a representation of someone and can affect other people’s assessment of that person.

Well, here are some easy tips for creating a good email address for your various needs:

  1. Use free email services that are popular, safe, and comfortable to use. Some of the free email services include,,
  2. Create a simple e-mail address that matches your name, for example; [email protected].
  3. Use easy-to-type hyphens, such as periods (.), Hyphen signs (-), or underscore (_). For example; [email protected], or [email protected].
  4. Work or business email should not use numbers or characters that are difficult to remember because they can be considered unprofessional. Instead of using numbers, it would be better if you add your profession in the name of the email address. For example; [email protected].
  5. Make a strong password for the email, but still easy to remember. Read the article about how to create a strong password.


From the explanation above we can understand that basically making email is very easy. However, we must pay attention to the use of the name in the email that will be created because it will represent the owner of the email.

In addition to choosing a name in an email, a crucial thing that we must also pay attention to is the use of a strong and easy-to-remember password for the email account.

Thus a brief explanation of some examples of e-mail addresses for personal and work purposes, as well as tips for making a good e-mail address name. Hopefully, this article is useful.

Manoj Chakraborty
Hi, I am Manoj, I write tech articles to solve problems. here on techpanga, you will get tech related tricks and tips


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